Andermatt Group AG
Healthy Food and Healthy Environment - for All
We have made it our mission to develop effective, biological and natural solutions and make them available to our customers to replace chemical products in the areas of plant cultivation, home and garden, pest control, bee and animal health.
We started producing plant protection products based on baculoviruses over 35 years ago. Today, it has been proven that the use of biological control measures is not only a solution for organic farming, but also a highly effective tool in integrated or conventional pest control programs for environmentally friendly and residue-free food production.
The Andermatt Group currently employs over 600 people worldwide. More than 200 people work in Grossdietwil, Canton Lucerne, where the following companies belong to the Andermatt Group:
Andermatt Biocontrol Suisse AG: Biological products for professional plant protection for agriculture and horticulture in Switzerland, as well as production of insect viruses for worldwide distribution
Andermatt Biogarten AG: organic products for home and garden
Andermatt BioVet AG: organic and natural products for beekeeping and animal health
Andermatt Service AG: Support for Andermatt companies in Switzerland
Andermatt Group AG
Stahlermatten 6
6146 Grossdietwil
Phone +41 62 552 40 00