Canton of Lucerne establishes coordination site for publicly available administrative data
Lucerne - The canton of Lucerne in Switzerland plans to drive forward the creation and publication of publicly accessible administrative data. In order to do so, it is implementing a three-person standing body. The project will help with the cantonal strategy for shaping the digitization of public administration.
The cantonal government of Lucerne is establishing a three-person standing body for the creation and publication of additional publicly accessible administrative data (Open Government Data, OGD). A corresponding press release from the State Chancellery of Lucerne states that the canton is currently represented by around 500 datasets on the portal. It goes on to add that the available datasets will be available for free «to promote economic innovations and facilitate relations between public administration, economy, and society.»
OGD will be created based on information that the public administration collects in the process of fulfilling its tasks. The new coordination site comprises representatives from LUSTAT Statistik Luzern, the Geoinformation Unit of the Department of Construction, Environment, and Economics, and the Information Governance Coordination at the State Chancellery. The committee aims to support offices with the identification, processing, and publishing of suitable data. Furthermore, its tasks will include the development of a cantonal strategy for OGD and preparation of the required legal bases. The coordination site will be equipped with two additional positions and is expected to start work at the beginning of 2025.