Entlebuch hotels opt to join forces
Schüpfheim - The hotel industry in the Unesco Biospehere Entlebuch (UBE) has agreed a joint sales strategy with Switzerland Travel Centre (STC). With this step, the parties involved in the agreement are keen to expand their partnership and introduce digital sales opportunities as well.
The hotel industry in the Unesco Biospehere Entlebuch (UBE) has reached strategic agreements with the booking platform Switzerland Travel Centre (STC) for effective collaboration. As detailed in a press release, in future, it will be possible for the majority of hotel bookings in the region between Bern and Lucerne to be made digitally via the online platform. The agreement is the result of an intensive operational analysis covering topics such as online marketing, hotel technology, content management, online reputation and pricing, with 16 hotels in the region undergoing this process.
«With STC, from now on we will all be working with a widely accepted Swiss booking platform, which is distributed around the globe by the 36 worldwide Switzerland Tourism branches», as Sandro Bucher, Head of Tourism and Mobility at UBE, comments in the press release. «Thanks to STC, we can also cooperate much better within Switzerland, for example with the Central Switzerland marketplace operated by Lucerne Tourism», he adds.
Furthermore, two other hotel technology providers, Casy and Room Price Genie, have signaled their willingness to cooperate too. From July, Entlebuch hotels will be given the opportunity to present their offers on the STC-compatible platforms RoomRaccoon and Hotel-Spider without paying commission. After the summer season, UBE plans to network the hotels with each other and arrange a joint presence in organizations such as GastroSuisse or HotellerieSuisse.