
08.06.2023 | Sustainability | Reading-time: 2 min

HSLU trains net-zero specialists for companies

Lucerne - The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) will be offering a Master of Advanced Studies course called Net Zero in Companies from January onward. It aims to produce specialists who can take on overall responsibility for the implementation of climate goals in small and medium-sized enterprises.

HSLU’s new course plans to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with specialists for their own business who can lead them through the net-zero process. According to a press release, it will be offering a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) with the title Net-Zero in Companies from January 2024 to build up these internal competences. The first information event is scheduled to take place online on June 15.

The background to this is formed by the corresponding change processes that all Swiss companies must undertake to demonstrate net-zero emissions by the year 2050. However, according to HSLU, small and medium-sized enterprises do not have the specialists to adopt this target. This is where the university hopes to help.

There is a need for action on numerous levels, such as energy, mobility and building concepts, solutions for green IT, sustainable procurement or financial investments. This is why the MAS, which runs for 24 months, is an interdisciplinary course directed at individuals with a technical background, from management or corporate development, and sustainability officers as well as independent advisors.

Joint Program Lead Prof. Dr. Christine Bratrich comments: “Many companies will have to change their way of thinking, which can be uncomfortable and trigger resistance. This is why a deeper understanding of how internal cultural change occurs is needed. Additionally, leadership competence is also required.”

Hochschule Luzern


