
25.01.2024 | Advanced Manufacturing | Reading-time: 2 min

Schurter wins Design Award 2023

Lucerne - The electronics company Schurter has won the "Product of the Year 2023" award from the test portal Electronic Product Design & Test. It won the award for its THS touchless switch.

Schurter, an electronics company based in Lucerne, is one of the winners of the Electronic Product Design & Test Products of the Year 2023. According to a statement, the company received the award for its THS (Touchless Hidden Switch). The THS is equipped with optical ToF sensor technology and can be concealed behind any surface. It requires only a small viewing window in the user interface to operate a sensor by hand movement. The 30 x 30 millimeter switch is easy to install and the switching distance can be programmed using the kit supplied. The THS is equipped with multicolor surface illumination.

Thanks to its simple installation, the switch offers surface designers more scope in panel design, according to the statement. The device is insensitive to water and does not react to daylight. Contactless switching ensures hygienic operation.



