Real estate prices for companies in Lucerne
Rental prices for office space in the canton of Lucerne are more attractive than in Basel, Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich or Zug. Along the main transport axes of Lucerne–Zug–Zurich and Lucerne–Basel, construction land and office space of all sizes and with excellent transport links are available at attractive prices.
Space for entrepreneurship
For an immediate start, the canton of Lucerne offers everything companies need: from readily available construction land to offices ready for occupancy.
Find location
Let us know your location requirements. We will be happy to assist you in finding your desired location.
Living centrally is a trend
Urban and rural areas are very close to each other. In terms of net local costs (considering all local costs such as taxes, insurance premiums, housing costs, energy costs, etc.), Lucerne’s municipalities are also in an excellent position in a Switzerland-wide comparison.
Acquisition of residential property
Residential property can be purchased by all persons residing in Switzerland without any problems. Only the purchase of residential property by persons domiciled abroad is subject to certain restrictions.
I will assist you with questions about the location.

Mathias Lischer
Head of Promotion & FDI
Phone +41 41 367 44 03